So I was definitely in bed at about 10PM last night and for sure fell asleep before 12AM. So I’m counting that as a total success. Felt great this morning, woke Ellie up to have her sit on the potty practice time. Nate stayed up all through the night working, but stayed up with us to eat breakfast and watch WandaVison together with us. Then I cleaned up a bit, Eleanor went to water the plants with her grandpa and I cleaned up some more. And then at some point I lost my energy and I passed out on the couch… but that’s ok, I felt like I got quite a bit done.
I think I need to go back and do the FlyLady system. It was what worked for me before and really kept me ahead of the game while I was flying. I probably could even do it better this time around because I’m not flying right now. A true stay-at-home mom for the time being. I think my decluttering ambitions are at the speed of light.. while my physical capabilities are at a snails pace. Or a tortoise. I think I should be going with a more “steady pace wins the race,” mentality. No pressure on myself this evening, but I think I will begin the 31 Beginner Baby Steps tomorrow.
Also, I downloaded the Notion app on my phone, iPad and laptop. I’m not really sure if and how I want to use it yet, but it looks really cool.

IDK, my mom thinks this makes me look like a vampire, but I LOVE this color so .. sorry mom.
January 15, 2021 – Today I’m thankful for sleep and rest. I am starting to understand the importance of it a little more.. also I’m not going to get as much sleep as I am now once the new baby comes, so I need to enjoy it while it lasts. I am grateful to have the luxury of getting to rest on maternity leave, I know there are some moms out there that still need to work full time before giving birth. I am grateful for my job that lets me take a good maternity leave.