Relaxing Day

Whoops, I fell asleep. I was so tired after a long relaxing day. I actually switched up my bedtime routine a little bit and fell asleep much earlier than I had planned. I don’t think I’ll be doing that again tomorrow night.

I got so caught up in the idea of trying a certain brand of mascara, that I was going to go to two different stores to try and buy it. When I had some brand new, perfectly good mascara in my room. It might not be cruelty-free this time, but I had to wake up and realize that, I would be saving money by not spending, and not driving to the stores. So it just made more sense to use what I’ve got.

NYX Cosmetics – Liquid Suede – Soft-Spoken, 9/10

January 5, 2021 – I’m grateful for being able to share my joy of doing nails with others. I think having my nails done really improves my mood, so I love that I can share that with other people too. When the babies are older, I hope I can do nails more often and consistently.

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