Recovery Day!

Wow, today I was completely dead. Even after taking a nap and getting extra rest time in today. Just dead. Make die dead. Really really dead. I had a moment where I thought I would just drink a coffee as soon as Ellie went to bed tonight, and then I’d just clean the whole house and pull an all-nighter.. but that thought quickly faded when I could barely convince myself to make dinner.

Who needs toys when you have cardboard boxes?

I’m still going strong and not spending money this month! Eating all the food in the fridge and making my way through our freezer has been tough. Most days I want to give in and buy fast food. Especially since I’ve been craving things like ice cream and french fries. But I’m being good and sticking to my plan. I think I’ll go to the store sometime next week to pick up a few fresh items to make our meals a little more well-rounded. But my goal is to spend less than $100 on groceries this month.

NYX Cosmetics – Liquid Suede – Soft-Spoken, 9/10

Does this color look good? Look familiar? Name sound familiar? That’s because I literally picked out this color a few days ago. Didn’t realize that they were the same color because of the slight variation in the packaging color. Haha. Well, I still think it looks great. Even when drinking Root Beer. My grandfather says Root Beer cures everything.

Same lip color, different color packaging..

January 8, 2021 – Today I’m thankful for my daughter Eleanor. Even though I have a really hard time being “present” with her all the time, especially when I’m exhausted, she still is a sweet girl. She really loves learning and playing, I feel so terrible when she wants me to play with her all the time and I’m trying to cook dinner or other things. But she really gives great cuddles and loves reading all kinds of stories. I pray to be the best mother that I can be for her.

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