Today we had a small lunch for one of my Auntie’s birthdays. It was so nice, just a mellow, hang out kind of day. I was asked to bring cake, so in keeping with my no-spend January, I found some box cake mix (that I fancied up with butter and an extra egg), made some espresso frosting and blueberry strudel from scratch. Not gonna lie, I was really craving some sweets, so making these really hit the spot. And they came out sooooooo good. I don’t even LIKE cake, at all. I love brownies and pie. But this cake was I even got a great arm workout because I was too lazy to take out the stand mixer, and I don’t own a hand mixer.. yet.

I always think I’m doing well and being proactive and preparing for the next day… when Eleanor wakes up in the middle of her sleep and throws a wrench into my plans. Honestly, she’s been doing really really well lately at putting herself back to sleep, but sometimes she just wants to cuddle with someone. Mostly she loves sleeping in the bed with her dad, but I also think she hates wearing pajamas to sleep, but gets chilly quickly. Silly kid.

(Really matches this dress well)
January 9, 2021 – Today I’m thankful for Flylady’s baby steps and crisis cleaning 101. Sometimes when I just need that extra motivation to get started on life, reading flylady’s messages really pick me up and help me get moving. There’s so many things to be improved on in my life, but I am grateful for the grace my family has given me as I get my life in order.