FlyLady – Beginners BabySteps: Day 5

I know I’m not supposed to have lots of coffee because I’m pregnant, but goodness it’s so hard with this coffee maker. We finally made a trip to DonQuijote this morning. Got everything except for the liquid smoke I wanted. It’s so strange feeling so productive and unproductive at the same time.

After our afternoon nap, I decided that I wanted to save our chicken pot pie leftovers for lunch tomorrow. So I decided to quickly whip up some skillet macaroni and cheese and frozen chicken strips. My sister and I were watching some YouTube videos about prepping freezer meals, I’m hoping that I can have a small stash of meals ready to go before I give birth to #2.

Even though I cooked dinner tonight, I’m proud to say that I STILL KEPT MY SINK SHINING tonight. Usually I this is the point where I give up, save something to wash tomorrow, let something to soak overnight. Or where I leave the dishes to dry in the drying rack overnight. Not today! Everything is put away and it is such an awesome feeling.

I don’t look the cutest today, but it’s ok, I got quite a bit done. I started on cleaning out the dresser and shelves in the office that are going to be moved to Ellie’s room. Going to have the boys move the furniture tomorrow. They are also going to take apart the crib and move it out of Ellie’s room this weekend too. Lots of things moving around and going on. Soooo tiring. But it’s going to be worth it.

NYX Cosmetics – Butter Gloss – BLG01 Strawberry Parfait, 6/10

January 20, 2021 – Thankful that I’ve learned the skills to cook meals quickly from scratch. 10 years ago, I would’ve been petty helpless, but thanks to Pinterest and my in laws, I’ve got a lot of cooking skills under my belt now.

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