Didn’t take any good photos with the sheep today, but I really enjoyed taking Ellie outside to play. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed again today, so I was feeling quite discouraged. I think that any day that I get woken up as opposed to getting up by myself, is not a good one for me. When I get thrown off of my morning routine, I don’t succeed for the rest of the day.
I made a bunch of French toast sticks for dinner tonight. Mostly because I was trying to get rid of the ingredients, but also because I’m trying to build up that freezer meal arsenal. But in all seriousness these usually don’t last too long in our freezer.
Again the sink is still shining! I have a few items drying still in this photo, but the fact that I used a whole bunch of dishes to make dinner.. and I still cleaned up after myself. I’m feeling pretty proud. I know it’s not the biggest of accomplishments, but I’m taking any win I can get now.
January 22, 2021 – Today I’m thankful for getting sleep. Sleep is the best. Naps are the best. I hope I can get some good rest tonight to have a great day tomorrow.