FlyLady – Beginners Baby Steps: Day 30

Happy Valentine’s Day! We picked up some Asato’s this morning after waiting in a very long line, BUT it was totally worth it! We got a lot of flavors we really wanted, which is nice, because usually we buy the pre-order packs, and we don’t get to choose which flavors we get.

It was a long morning for the baby though. She usually is the person who wakes up first and then wakes me up by knocking on her bedroom door. This morning I was the one to wake her up, so she was very confused. “Mom? (What?) Mom. (Yay I love you.) Mooooom. (Mom I’m tired why did you wake me up early?)”

And since she woke up early and had her outside adventure of picking up Asato’s, she totally fell asleep in the truck on the way home… Which means she didn’t want to take another nap this afternoon… Which means that she fell asleep almost instantly this evening when I put her to bed. 🙂

Today I also got the sweetest Valentine’s Day gift from my gramma! She mailed me a bunch of cleaning supplies and tips. It’s the best feeling to have family supporting me on my cleaning and minimalism journey. Sometimes some of my family members try to “solve” my problems for me, but end up overcomplicating things that should really be simple. Thank you gramma for being my support and my blog’s number one fan!

I’ve been really slacking lately, so I’m going to try and wake up early and seize the day. I’ve basically been on vacation mode because my in-laws have been watching Ellie while I got to catch up on sleep. Sleep is good, but I think it was making me even more lazy. So tomorrow, I will seize the day! And seize my opportunities!

NYX Cosmetics – Matte Lipstick – Fluff Piece, 5/10

February 14, 2021 – Today I am so thankful for my family and for all they do to make me feel so loved and blessed. I really appreciate all they do for me and the thought that went into the gifts that they gave me today. I feel so blessed to have a wonderful daughter, and I can’t wait to meet my son in a few months.

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