FlyLady – Beginners Baby Steps: Day 29

Yay! My in-laws are here to visit! They are so happy to see Ellie and Ellie is so happy to see them. She was so excited today that she didn’t even want to take a nap this afternoon. And I got to take a very nice nap this afternoon while Ellie went to the grocery store with my in-laws. But I woke up feeling really tired and not so good. My stomach was really sore for the rest of the day.

At first I thought I was constipated or something, but then I realized that my stomach was sore because baby is constantly kicking me. Oh my gosh I’m pretty sure all of my organs are bruised. Haha. It’s sooooo uncomfortable, but baby is probably way more uncomfortable than I am. I hope I’ll be able to sleep well tonight with this little kicking machine in my tummy going off constantly.

The sink is still shining! I have been very lax on my routines these past few days though, I am going to need to get some rest and pick them back up as soon as possible. I’m feeling under the weather now, but hopefully I’ll feel better soon.

NYX Cosmetics – Butter Gloss – Sugar Cookie, 7/10

February 13, 2021 – I am so thankful for my very active baby! It’s so easy to do kick counts when baby is always moving. If this baby is so active in my stomach, there’s hope that he’ll be able to keep up with all of the energy that Eleanor has. Hopefully they’ll keep each other busy and tire each other out.

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