
Now that I’ve (mostly) done the FlyLady Beginner baby steps, and I’ve shined my sink for 31 days in a row, I’m not sure where to go from here. I still have a lot of decluttering to do, but I’m in a weird rut and have a long list of things to do before our new baby gets here.

I’ve actually written out how I’d like to structure my blog a long time ago, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to maintain it the way I’d like. I was thinking of doing Manicure Monday, Tutorial Tuesday, and Wardrobe Wednesday.. Not completely decided on the rest of the week yet, but I’ll try to have a posting schedule down by the beginning of next month.

NYX Cosmetics – Butter Lip Balm – ?/10
Looks like nothing? Good for Labor I guess…

February 16, 2021 – I am thankful for taking breaks. Sometimes we just need them. Sometimes it’s necessary to stop and reevaluate where we are so we can move forward.

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